tangled web of thought...
Friday, October 10, 2008
misleading information regarded as a curse branded with confusion.
i may have mentioned how many paths and lives i lead, or follow. do i lead or follow? well, i am confused. which path is my life heading now? it could be luxurious cohabitation, ungratefully absorbed and now suddenly dismissed. dismissed because of an apparition?
what is it.
there is a certain mischievious dance in the sable eyes animated in a torrent of feeling, undefinable to even the owner of those eyes.
ignore. no, please.
try with all your might to untangle the web of thoughts, feelings, dreams, inhibitions. pour them through your speech, mouth, eyes, touch, hands. i will soak them up and comprehend them in the simple manor my mind is capable of. i will comfort your soul.
confusion. yes, i suppose. but everyone is confused. spurred by feelings rather than thought. reasonable and probable. a change in the position of life. an understanding of happiness, but yet, usually only at first sight. ordinary and realistic. start to think. a curtain has fallen over my eyes. they are closing slowly…. tragedy.
no, no, no! tragedy.
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