covered, smothered, unable to breath...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
a manner of interpretation that leads in a false direction that could become highly epidemic. exuding that morbid melancholy, that feverishness that grips every sensitive observer so forcefully. producing a disconsolate feeling.
this is not the seriousness, not the character, nor the spirit and importance; that has been imposed from without. disheartenment, could that be it?
simply. a mixture of admiration and violent criticism. does there always have to be the terrible setting of roles in which i'm covered, smothered, unable to breath?
let them lie level. let each one rest on even ground, open to be admired from all sides. despite tranquil air, still possessing the power to stimulate and provoke.
there is a limitation to our earthly existence and the threat of death, but by all means, that does not give reason to limit ourselves further. i can be motivated by a conscious significance. a background symbolizing death and the hope of a paradise beyond. repeatedly frustration comes to mind.
frustration, confusion.
maybe now i wonder… i wonder can this? i wonder what if?
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